Publicat a - 08/03/2015
Dues-centes fuetades per a una víctima de violació en grup per parlar-ne als mitjans
El fets han ocorregut a l'Aràbia Saudita
Redacció | Actualitzat el 07/03/2015 a les 22:57h
dona saudita ha estat condemnada a dues-centes fuetades i sis mesos de
presó per indecència i per relatar el seu cas als mitjans de
comunicació, segons ha informat el portal
Middle East Monitor. La dona, de confessió xiïta, tenia 19 anys va ser violada per set individus el 2006.
La víctima estava en un cotxe amb un company d'estudis quan dos homes
els van assaltar i van portar el vehicle fins a un lloc apartat on va
ser. Tres d'ells també van atacar l'amic de la dona.
En un primer procés, la dona va ser condemnada a 90 fuetades per
incomplir la llei que obliga a les dones a sortir sempre al carrer
acompanyades d'un familiar o marit. El recurs judicial davant del
Tribunal General saudita va provocar que es dupliqués el nombre de
Al mateix temps, la pena de presó per als set violadors també va ser doblada i el delicte que se'ls imputava era el de violació.
L'advocat de la dona, Abdulrahman al Lahem, va parlar llavors amb els
mitjans de comunicació. Des d'aleshores, els tribunals han prohibit que
pugui seguir representant la dona, li han retirat la llicència i l'han
citat perquè assisteixi a una sessió disciplinària a finals d'aquest
Publicat a Middle East Monitor
Saudi woman to get 200 lashes after being raped
Friday, 06 March 2015 13:18
woman who was violently gang raped in Saudi Arabia has been sentenced
to 200 lashes and six months in jail after being found guilty of
indecency and talk to the media.
The 19-year-old was in a car with a student friend when two men got
into the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She says she was
raped by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend.
The Shia Muslim woman had initially been sentenced to 90 lashes after
being convicted of violating the Kingdom's religious diktats on
segregation of the sexes.
After the sentences were handed down following the rape in 2006, the
woman was sentenced to 90 lashes; however her lawyer appealed to the
Saudi General Court. It then doubled her sentence. At the same time,
they also doubled the prison sentences for the seven men convicted of
raping her, according to Saudi news outlets.
Abdul Rahman Al-Lahem, who defended the woman, reached out to the
media after the sentences were handed down. The court has since banned
him from further defending the woman, confiscating his license and
summoning him to a disciplinary hearing later this month.
Saudi Arabia defended the controversial decision to punish the
victim, saying that she was at fault for being out without a male family
member, something which was met with international outcry.
"The Ministry of Justice welcomes constructive criticism, away from emotions," it said in a statement.
Please note: The rape victim and her male companion were pardoned by the late King Abdullah in Dec 2007.